60 MIN
800 g veal leg
80 g butter
1 tbs mustard
100 ml TARTUFI SR Black truffle olive oil
50 g TRUFFLES SR Black truffles
50g TRUFFLES SR Black Carpaccio
TARTUFI SR Sea salt with black truffle
1 kg potatoes
100 ml milk
Pour TARTUFI SR black truffle flavored olive oil over the steak the day before and leave it in the fridge to rest. When you take the meat out of the fridge, cut it into pieces and let it warm up to room temperature. Put the TARTUFI SR sea salt with black truffles only on the side that will be directly in contact with the pan and heat the pan. Place the steak on the salted side for 3 minutes and do not move it. Put sea salt on the other side, turn the steak, and leave it in the pan for about 2.5 minutes. Transfer the steak to the tray in the oven heated to 200c and cook for exactly 3 minutes. Take it out and wait! For
perfect juiciness, the steak must stand for about 15 minutes. In the meantime, peel, wash, and cook the potatoes. When the potatoes are cooked, strain the water, add butter, milk, TARTUFI SR sea salt with black truffle, then mix all the ingredients with a blender and finally add TARTUFI SR black truffle. Cut the steak into slices, sprinkle it with TARTUFI SR black carpaccio, and serve with mashed potatoes with TARTUFI SR black truffle.
Enjoy your meal.